Poor user adoption is viewed as a substantial part of the reason why many organizations do not get an acceptable return on their CRM software implementation investment. Here are some statistics to validate this truism:

Less than 40% of CRM customers have end-user adoption rates above 90% CSO Insights

22% of all reported problems to successful CRM implementation were people-related or linked to user adoption Forrester Research


Poor User Adoption Is A Symptom

Poor user adoption, however, can be viewed as a symptom of why many conventional CRM implementations don’t succeed as planned. It’s a symptom of an implementation where salespeople and other customer facing personnel are routinely tied to performing time consuming data collection and data entry.

This leads to the frustration of seeing collected data get old and lose its value quickly to provide salespeople with the information to carry out effective new and existing customer development. Compounding all of this is data scattered from other users that also loses its value. There is a lack of collaborative effort together with no processes in place to aggregate the information to use to develop strategy. There is not the people or systems in place to help create the best customer experiences and work toward creating customers for life. Overall, conventional CRM just isn’t doing it.

Next Level CRM

There is however an answer from our partner, SugarCRM. This is the emerging Next Level CRM that positively impacts user adoption. Sugar labels this the first Intelligent, no-touch customer experience CRM.

This a platform where no-touch means that salespeople need to do the very minimum data entry for information to enter records in the CRM. Here are some examples of where the information flows from:

Hint From SugarCRM

Hint is relationship intelligence tool that eliminates the need for manual research and data entry for the salesperson – whether it be leads, contact or account information.

Email Integration

Incoming email from Outlook or Gmail flows into the CRM with often relevant and important information pertaining to the company or contact and automatically syncs it with the proper record.

Process Automation

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Manual tedious and time-consuming tasks for salespeople are greatly reduced. They can spend more time on selling and less time on admin tasks.  Automated customer and prospect follow up and outreach leaves salespeople for sales-building activities such as pipeline management and lead nurturing.  Tasks, calls and meetings are automatically scheduled. Pertinent data is automatically entered into a record as a result of another activity.

Please look at a very insightful blog from our colleague, Dennis McCarthy titled: 3 Jobs You Can Automate Today with CRMDennis looks at 3 jobs that historically take a lot of time for salespeople and others to do manually and less efficiently. And again-more time for selling! This also gives a look into how automated processes are laid out with possibilities that are limitless.


We’ve looked at poor user adoption as the reason why a very high percentage of CRM implementations are not successful.  Most is linked to salespeople and their wish to spend much less time on data gathering and data entry and more time selling. SugarCRM offers this with exciting new no touch CRM ways to gather and store this information.

At CRM International we’re excited about CRM’s contribution to digital transformation. Intelligent, no-touch CRM now a core part of it.